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Meet the Director, Jennifer Ponte

Born in 1962 in the Town of Ipswich, Suffolk in England Jennifer was always fascinated by art at a very young age, she won an Art project for her entire School and started to pursue her passion at the age of 16 with a two-year foundation course in art and design at the Wigan College of technology passing the board exams one year early. Jennifer enrolled in a three Year fine art course at Wolverhampton University by the time she was 18 years of age.
In 1984 she emigrated to the United States with her family and they settled in Florida where she lived ever since.

Jennifer has worked for various Galleries and showed her own work at the same time also participating in Exhibitions in various Cultural venues while bringing up her two children.
It is the mission of ARTlife-Galleries to bring new and exciting Artists to the Florida market, the selection of styles is based on our own personal preferences of the Artists and their praxis. As the Director of ARTlife-Galleries Jennifer applies her passion and extensive knowledge in Art to introduce International Artist’s working in various disciplines to the region and our Clients to establish a Collectors community for our Artists.

We will work with discerned Collectors and also interior designers to introduce our Artists to their Clientele. Furthermore, Jennifer wishes to engage in activities that will promote contemporary Art to the Public, and ARTlife-Galleries will participate in events that will provide the opportunity to do so.

Our objective is to show the work of artists that are of great substance and scope and therefore we will focus on all aspects of their practice to help our clients and the public to gain inside into their conceptual thinking and how they apply it into a variety of disciplines that are part of their artistic vocabulary.

Artlife-Galleries will introduce Artists to the greater Tampa Bay Region one by one as we will add them to the site and build the group that we wish to represent and support to build up their profiles. It is a work of passion and commitment to art that we feel strongly about and therefore we are operating on that basis only, there are already a handful of artists that we selected to be introduced on our site (see news and announcements), Jennifer is looking forward to meeting all Art enthusiasts and discuss our Artists.