Heirloom digital art

Heirloom digital art

Artlife-Galleries will be offering a unique and new service to our clients producing high-quality digital artworks based on your own precious images that contain special meaning for you.

It is a very personal art gift that is made by our talented artists and an ideal gift as a one-of-a-kind archival print or even multiple issues as a family heirloom piece that everyone can enjoy. All works will be offered in high-quality frames common for digital photography art and also add a classy decorative touch.

We are planning to activate this service later this year as we add more visual examples and prizes.

composition images

information source material

The image above was composed of the various images on the left and from the family photo album with some extra information to include the fish and butterfly as well as the hedgehog based on family memories and episodes that lead to this composite image and the family loves it for its memory as well decorative value.